While you’re out grocery shopping this weekend, keep these 10 healthy grocery shopping tips in mind:
🔸️ Make a list
Plan before you go! It saves time and money when you plan ahead, and it helps prevent impulse buys.
🔸️ Shop the perimeter
These foods around the perimeter of the store are closest to their natural state, with limited processing. Here you will find fresh fruit and veggies, meat, eggs, and milk.
🔸️ Purchase foods as fresh as possible
Fresh foods typically have lots of nutrients without lots of additives.
🔸️ Limit packaged foods with tons of ingredients
Many packaged foods have tons of salt, sugar, fats, colors, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and other unnecessary and potentially harmful ingredients. Keep most of your foods fresh and fill in the gaps with minimally processed packaged foods.
🔸️ Load up on fruits and vegetables
Buy a variety of colors to get a variety of nutrients. Also, switch it up! Don’t just stick with the same fruit and veggies every time. Try something new!
🔸️ Choose whole grains
Whole grains are higher in healthy fiber and other nutrients our bodies need. Limit eating refined grains, and stick with whole grains like brown rice, oatmeal, and quinoa.
🔸️ Buy from the bulk goods section to save money
You can get nuts, seeds, grains, and spices for much less. You can also measure out the portion size you need so you don’t buy excess. And you can try new seasonings without committing to a whole bottle!
🔸️ Check the nutrition label for sugar and salt content
The percentage of sodium should be as low as possible. Added sugar should be as close to zero as possible.
🔸️ Skip the snack section
You don’t need those kinda problems. Don’t even keep them in the house 😄
🔸️ Don’t shop hungry
Eat before you go. If you shop hungry, you’ll buy everything in sight.