As we usher in a new season, it would be hard not to appreciate the warmer weather, colorful flowers, and overall optimism that spring brings. What was once cold and dreary has now garnered new life. Since spring is a […]
healthy plate
Increasing Your Fruit & Veggie Intake
How many fruits and vegetables do you normally eat each day? The average person only eats two servings a day, which is less than half of the recommended amount. By now, we all know that fruit and vegetable intake is […]
8 Reasons to Limit Highly Processed Foods
What’s the big deal? On the road to cleaning up your eating habits, you are bound to hear “limit processed foods.” But what’s so bad about processed foods in the first place? Can they really be that harmful? First, let’s […]
Are You Gonna Eat All That?
Growing up in my grandmother’s house, I was always surrounded by great food. It didn’t really matter what was for dinner. I knew it was going to be good. And since it was so good, getting seconds AND thirds was […]