Has your fat loss stalled? It happens! While on a quest to lose fat, there will be times when it feels like nothing is changing. You’re putting forth the work, but you’re not seeing the fruits of your labor. There […]
7 Tips to Spring Clean Your Eating Habits
As we usher in a new season, it would be hard not to appreciate the warmer weather, colorful flowers, and overall optimism that spring brings. What was once cold and dreary has now garnered new life. Since spring is a […]
5 Ways to Improve Your Vegan Diet
Over the past few years, more and more people have decided to switch to a vegan (or plant-based) diet. Whether it was from watching documentaries, like “Forks Over Knives” and “What the Health,” or answering Beyonce’s call for everyone to […]
Body Fat Percentage, Not BMI
Last week, I discussed the reasons why I prefer to use body fat percentage instead of body mass index (BMI) as a measure of health. The body mass index calculates the ratio between your weight and your height to place […]
Increasing Your Fruit & Veggie Intake
How many fruits and vegetables do you normally eat each day? The average person only eats two servings a day, which is less than half of the recommended amount. By now, we all know that fruit and vegetable intake is […]
Sugar By Any Other Name (Is Still Added Sugar)
When I was young, it seemed so innocent. I would sit down for my morning cereal, complete with a couple teaspoons of this fine powder sprinkled on top. It didn’t matter that the cereal was already sweet. I’d head to […]
8 Reasons to Limit Highly Processed Foods
What’s the big deal? On the road to cleaning up your eating habits, you are bound to hear “limit processed foods.” But what’s so bad about processed foods in the first place? Can they really be that harmful? First, let’s […]
Monday Motivation: No Act of Progress, No Matter How Small, Is Ever Wasted
She sighed and stepped off the scale. “I only lost three pounds,” she muttered. “Three pounds?” I said excitedly. “Why do you sound so disappointed? That’s GREAT!” Unfortunately, my client did not think so. She had set an aggressive of […]
How Often Should You Splurge?
If you don’t know anything else about me, one of the first things you will learn is how much I love chocolate. I love it so much that I have designated one day a week to enjoy my indulgence. In […]
Healthy Recipe: Southwest Breakfast Bowl
Tired of eating oatmeal for breakfast? Here’s a healthy alternative that’s bursting with flavor and will leave you counting down for your next breakfast! 1 serving Ingredients: ¾ cup cooked quinoa or brown rice (I prefer quinoa) 2-3 […]
Counting Macros: Is It Right For You?
What are macros? We eat a combination of macronutrients and micronutrients each day. Macronutrients are the nutrients we need in a large quantity, like protein, fat, and carbohydrates. These nutrients provide our body with calories, which we use for energy. […]
Fit Tip: Meal Prep to Save Time and Money
How much money did I spend on my groceries for the week? Here’s a list of the foods shown above: One pound ground chicken breast 3 pounds 93/7 lean ground turkey 3 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breast 1 and […]