Has your fat loss stalled? It happens! While on a quest to lose fat, there will be times when it feels like nothing is changing. You’re putting forth the work, but you’re not seeing the fruits of your labor. There […]
7 Tips to Spring Clean Your Eating Habits
As we usher in a new season, it would be hard not to appreciate the warmer weather, colorful flowers, and overall optimism that spring brings. What was once cold and dreary has now garnered new life. Since spring is a […]
Monday Motivation: When Just Showing Up is NOT Enough
Back in 2008, as a new trainer at Bally Total Fitness, we had to get our own clients. Almost like a hawk watching its prey, we would scour the gym floor looking for members who appeared to need professional assistance. […]
Monday Motivation: New Year Sputter
Well, it’s the last week of the first month of a new year. Has anyone else’s year started like mine? For all of December, I was excited, ecstatic even, about the coming year. I had that feeling that 2017 was […]
Don’t Put Off For Tomorrow What You Still Won’t Do Tomorrow
With five weeks left in the year, we’ve reached that special season where goals tend to fall by the wayside until the new year. We promise a “new year, new me” and pause any progress we have already made. As […]