As we usher in a new season, it would be hard not to appreciate the warmer weather, colorful flowers, and overall optimism that spring brings. What was once cold and dreary has now garnered new life. Since spring is a […]
5 Ways to Improve Your Vegan Diet
Over the past few years, more and more people have decided to switch to a vegan (or plant-based) diet. Whether it was from watching documentaries, like “Forks Over Knives” and “What the Health,” or answering Beyonce’s call for everyone to […]
Body Fat Percentage, Not BMI
Last week, I discussed the reasons why I prefer to use body fat percentage instead of body mass index (BMI) as a measure of health. The body mass index calculates the ratio between your weight and your height to place […]
Failure is a Man-Made Concept
I’m currently reading Napoleon Hill’s “Outwitting the Devil” (which I HIGHLY recommend), and I read this quote… “Failure is a man-made concept. It is never real until it has been accepted as permanent.” What does that mean? “Failure” is something […]
New Year. Now What?
Just like that, it’s the middle of January. Last Saturday, I found out some interesting news. Apparently, January 12th is National Quitter’s Day! According to a few articles, January 12th is the day that most people give up on their new […]
Monday Motivation: No Act of Progress, No Matter How Small, Is Ever Wasted
She sighed and stepped off the scale. “I only lost three pounds,” she muttered. “Three pounds?” I said excitedly. “Why do you sound so disappointed? That’s GREAT!” Unfortunately, my client did not think so. She had set an aggressive of […]
I Don’t Wanna Get TOO Happy…
The big event was coming up. I had a cruise planned, and it was going to be my first vacation of the year. As excited as I wanted to be, I kept telling myself not to get too happy. What […]
How Often Should You Splurge?
If you don’t know anything else about me, one of the first things you will learn is how much I love chocolate. I love it so much that I have designated one day a week to enjoy my indulgence. In […]
Monday Motivation: He Flipped Me the Bird
He flipped me the bird. I was sitting in my car at a red light and saw a guy holding a sign. I realized he was possibly homeless and asking for money, so I tried to find the appropriate facial […]
Motivation Monday: Whether You Think You Can or Think You Can’t, You’re Right
“This weight is too heavy!” My client struggled to complete the last few reps of her exercise. As she finished, I casually grabbed the 20lb weight from her to put back on the shelf. There was a 45lb dumbbell sitting […]
Motivation Monday: Now is the Only Perfect Time
It’s the end of February, and we are officially eight weeks into 2017. Unfortunately, this is around the time that we start falling off of our goals for the year. Can you feel it? Can you feel your enthusiasm waning? […]
Monday Motivation: When Just Showing Up is NOT Enough
Back in 2008, as a new trainer at Bally Total Fitness, we had to get our own clients. Almost like a hawk watching its prey, we would scour the gym floor looking for members who appeared to need professional assistance. […]