Just like that, it’s the middle of January.
Last Saturday, I found out some interesting news. Apparently, January 12th is National Quitter’s Day!
According to a few articles, January 12th is the day that most people give up on their new year’s resolutions.
Twelve days into the new year, most people quit on the goals they set for themselves.
This CAN’T be true, can it?
I mean, how are you doing with your new year goals?
I have a secret for you…
Remember how you felt when the clock struck midnight on January 1st and you felt the excitement of a new year?
The slate was wiped clean and you made a decision that 2019 was going to be amazing?
Guess what?
That feeling can be recreated at ANY time.
Because that feeling was imaginary!
Nothing REALLY happened between 11:59pm on December 31st and 12:00am on January 1st.
The only thing that changed was your mindset.
Your thoughts shifted AWAY from the shortcomings of the past year and moved TOWARD the opportunities of the new one.
So, if your year has gotten off to a discouraging start and you have already decided that this year is going to be just like the last, I have news for you- you are absolutely right.
Because until YOU decide this year will be different, and then work CONSISTENTLY to make it different, you will indeed get the same results.
Therefore, right now, I want you to DECIDE that this year will be better than last year. This year, you WILL step further out of your comfort zone. This year, you WILL do that one thing that you’ve been putting off for months.
This year is absolutely YOURS.
And if you need a plan to help make it so, let’s sit down together and strategize steps to achieve your vision this year.
I want to help you make this your best year yet!
Cheers to 2019! Let’s make this year absolutely amazing 😊